Learning To dance


Many days have passed since I documented the flow of thoughts passing through my consciousness. Rest assured, I am living in awareness. Rest assured, I am as alive as I have ever been. Rest assured, I am fully enthralled in living within time and space. Rest assured,  I am excelling at being a child of planet earth.

I spend most of my days living every moment fully, with a certain kind of trusting detachment. I understand that all is well. That my path is altering every second for the evolution of my soul.  That who I think I am is constantly being questioned and answered, all in the same breath.

There is freedom in losing attachment to obligations. There is liberation in losing the need to be fulfilled at all times. And there is certainly a pure innocence born from realizing that there is no need to pursue happiness and peace.

For the very systems and walls that give importance to time and space are based on limitations, and truth is there is absolute beauty in embracing the limitation of life. There is serenity in accepting life and its terms.  Life only calls us to dance with it as we pass through it.

And so, please note that in the many moons that have passed through the earth’s orbit, I am learning to dance. And my dear soul-mate, this is no easy task.


Metamorphosis of Consciousness



Consciousness–the present awareness of the human experience as perceived through humanly limitations has always been a Pandora interest of mine.

I am passionate about both the experience of the material and immaterial human life. I want to unravel and witness this ancient paradox that is humanity. I want to understand the origin and fluidity of thought. The birth of beliefs and the validity of every human experience.

I want to find the blueprints of God.

This page is my attempt to exist in the space of my most creative and alive expression of my highest excitement; Spirituality.

I document the metamorphosis of my own consciousness– a combination of both original and inspired thinking born from a thousand interactions with mass consciousness.

So stay here– witness my world. There is a piece of you here.


Traces of Disconnection With Who We Really Are

The hollowness in our eyes are traces of the pain born from not truly living the life we truly want for ourselves. The intense desperation in our hearts comes from chasing winds that are going places we do not really want to visit.The upside down smile we dance with in the middle of the night, when we are confronted by our own consciousness comes from not being who we really are.

Love and Light.

Be Unreasonably Happy

I have learnt that you must always choose to be unreasonably happy. To be happy even if you are currently going through difficult times. To be happy even if you are scared of what is yet to come. To be happy even if you are not sure where the universe is leading you to. For only the moment of now, this very moment is the only one you have conscious control of. So choose happiness.


Know All Of You

You have been running away from yourself for some time. It is time to get to know yourself again. To be with the best of you and the worst of you. For you are the light and the shadow. It is time to know the conscious and unconscious part of you. Your beauty is found in all the places your heart has been.



Spirituality is a journey of the expansive world of ego, heart, soul and conscious of the universe. It is a living of ever evolving and transcendence of the small things, the unnecessary ego-centred emotions and beliefs. The spiritual life is at times hard and unbalanced, and sometimes easy and effortless. It does not really matter as long as there is the constant awareness vital in the spiritual life. Spirituality is simply seeing and being in light, within your heart, even if the world is dark. That is all you need to thrive for, light in your heart.

Love and Light.

I Am

Soft, swift, a breeze,
a breath, a moment built and
filled with an essence of true beauty,
clear consciousness and effortless growth is the core of me.
I am the seeker of experiences
that awakens the forgotten truth;
We are one.
I am the heart that feels
the common divinity of all humanity.
I am the visionary who taps a
And drinks in the well of the
possibility of a world of oneness.
Oneness that is the true identity of every soul.
I am the love that radiates,that moves,
that guards the human spirit and potential.
I am the hope that someday the peace
within me you will find within you.
I am the hand that will never let go.
I am the voice that will forever whisper the
equality and the beauty of every human being.
I am the ear that will eternally seek to
heal the unspoken truth of every soul.
I am love.I am honor.I am respect. I am strength.
I am perseverance. I am creativity. I am possibility.
I am soul. I am spirit. I am human.I am perfect. I am All That Is.

Another Life

There is a part of your life you consciously know nothing about. Yet it is yours. You visit it in dreams. You dream of it in your day dreams. Yet it is as real as your breath. This part of your life you discuss in your night dreams, and revise in your daydreams. Only when you are ready, does this part of your life incarnate into your reality.


Symbols of the Soul Session Ten

Philomath: Good morning Conscious Soul. How are you?

Conscious Soul: Good morning Philomath. I am fine, how are you?

Philomath: I am fine.

Conscious Soul: Good.

Philomath: Today we are going to talk about my favorite exercise when I am by myself. Can you guess what it is?

Conscious Soul: Nice. Dancing?

Philomath: I said by “myself”.

Conscious Soul: Yes. I for one love dancing by myself. Without music even…And no I am not a weirdo 🙂

Philomath: Okay :). But I meant dreaming.

Conscious Soul: Oh okay. Day dreaming?

Philomath: Yes. What is dreaming and why do we do it? Let’s just explore the whole idea of it. Daydreaming. Sleep dreaming.

Conscious Soul: Okay. Let me start with sleep dreaming. When we sleep our body is at rest while the soul is active processing the events of the day, re-connecting with the higher consciousness, re-planning the way forward mostly through going back to the past events, analyzing them and weaving the new life path. Ofcourse taking all those day events into consideration. This is what we call dreaming.

Ofcourse all this is done with the soul language, which comes off symbolic to the conscious mind. However the subconscious mind understands and has processed and integrated the new information.

Philomath: Okay. Make it simpler.

Conscious Soul: Okay. Dreaming is the process for human beings to process the events that happened in the day. We go through so much during the day and we rarely have time to process and interpret these events without any outside influences from the environment. Dreaming gives the soul the time to process all of this.

Philomath: What’s the purpose of interpreting one’s day events? Why can’t I just forget about it and rest without any dreaming taking place ?

Conscious Soul: Remember the soul is here to explore its own essence. It does this through going through experiences and learning from them. Dreaming gives the soul that opportunity to do that purpose without any interruptions from the environment. These interruptions are really people and minute by minute events during the day. So sleep is the only time we really have time to introspect.

Philomath: And would you remind us what the essence of the soul is.

Conscious Soul: Naturally the essence of the soul is pure perfection, infinite possibilities and potential, goodness, light, love, peace etc. And the soul is exploring this essence by engaging in experiences that are made of essence that are not naturally of the soul. For the soul can only appreciate its own essence through what it is not.

Philomath: Okay. And day dreaming? What’s that about?

Conscious Soul: Daydreaming is where we build, create and explore our potentiality and all the probable possibilities of our lives.

Philomath: How does the soul gain from that?

Conscious Soul: It is a form of decision making and introspection. It helps the soul to create how it will like to explore itself. As well as help the soul to come up with ways to manifest all of the probable possibilities and potentiality it desires.

Philomath: Is it possible to not dream at all? And what does that mean?

Conscious Soul: No it is not.

Philomath: Really?

Conscious Soul: Yes. The soul needs to introspect, and that’s the system it created for such.

Philomath: So if I wake up and don’t remember dreaming? What does that mean?

Conscious Soul: It does not necessarily mean you didn’t dream. The soul has chosen not to remember its work. It is ofcourse possible to retrieve that soul work, all you have to do is set intention to remember.

Philomath: Back to dreaming. How can I transform that into actual manifestation.

Conscious Soul: The law of manifestation states that what you focus
on with high intensity and vibration will manifest. If you day dream on a certain thing with intensity, regularity and vibration (the level of your emotion), then those dreams will move from probability to manifested reality.

Philomath: Okay. What daily exercises do you recommend to increase the probability of manifestation.

Conscious Soul: Meditation. Focusing. Introspection. Mindfulness. Mindfulness is actually the most powerful activity you can do. This is basically being mindful of your day dreams and thoughts. Once you are mindful then you can focus your thoughts on your deepest desires with intensity and high level of emotion. And Ofcourse afterwards you need to believe that the universe will bring forth your desires. So you will need to lose any attachments to the result and just trust the universe. Because you see underneath being attached to something is fear. And fear is the highest level of negative emotion which tends to affect manifestation.

Philomath: Wow! Okay what about people. If I focus my energy on having someone in my life, can that also work?

Conscious Soul: A specific someone?

Philomath: Yes. Or if I want to bring change in my life.

Conscious Soul: Wanting a specific someone obviously won’t necessarily work because everyone has free will. Unless that specific someone wants you too, then Ofcourse it will happen. And Ofcourse you can bring change into your life. But you need to be clear with your thoughts and intention.

Philomath: Okay. We end here today.

He Speaks to me

He speaks to me.

Through the thread like miniature voice that lies below the pillow of my consciousness. He speaks to me. He reverberate his love to me in that cloudy, crystalline image that stalks my night dreams. He tells me that he won’t cave until I remember to be still. So I can touch the face of Deity.

He speaks to me.

About how the warfare of my heart can be healed with a dose of benevolence. He tells me that in my tranquillity, terror will design itself into insignificant blob of scarred light. Revealing that within there is a sparkle within the white blemishes. He says it’s hidden behind the illusory pebble that seats between him and me. Housing ugliness of our kaleidoscopic universe. The universe I come from.

He speaks to me.

Slowly showing me that mystery and pain is his best creation. And how the more I run the more He will roar through his best creation. He tells me I should stop sleeping with wounded reflections. They will lie that He is a sky. A place I can never reach unless I am a Star.
He speaks to me.

About His home that seats in the centre of my heart.