You made Promises


Sometimes our memory protects us. From harsh hurts from the past. But other times, it fails us. The little self-made promises of living fully, loving wholly, surrendering easily, activating and fulfilling our potential. These we tend to forget. Yet there should never be forgot.

Love and Light.

Our Fears

Our fears of the unknown have held us captive since the start of time. The fear of the dark makes us tip toe around ourselves, where our greatest potential stays. We pretend we are satisfied with the lesser version of who we really are. For we believe, better safe in the calm than riding the storm and find out there is nothing on the other side of the ocean. We forget that the point is the journey across the storm, the opening of the door at midnight, the mountain climbing. It is during the road that we transform to the grander version of who we are.

What If Up There

What if up there we are a beautiful, harmonic orchestra. What if up there we are the bravest, potentiality aspects of God. What if up there we appear as balls of sparkling, pure white light. What if up there we are vibrational, positive energy of oneness. What if all of the above is the real essence of us.



You made promises to yourself, to family and friends. Maybe you even made some to strangers. That is fine. For the world sometimes requires that we give part of self to others. However the promise that matters most is the promise you made to the universe. You promised to live a potential-fulfilled life. Remember? Have you honored that promise?
